

All pricing and discounts are based on an $12.49 regular retail for dinners and $7.99 regular retail for lunches. Out the door and delivered to yours. All pricing includes tax and services are always free of charge for subscribers.

Tiers of Discount

everybody qualifies for a 4 weeks introductory 10% off dinner's regular retail

upgrade to a +lunch program for an additional 5% off per meal for the 1st month

month to month commitments trigger an additional 5% discount totaling 15%*-20%

*if dinners only

any season long* commitment qualifies a 25% off your entire program of dinners and/or +lunches

*a season consists of 11 weeks of meals aka 44 dinners

Learn More

Schedule your individual and family consultation and grade your relationship to healthy meal planning with a short survey. Your answers will help our team identify the best possible solutions and custom fit a program for your household.

Answers are of course private and most productive when offered as an honest assessment.